Sunday, March 26, 2017

Trump looking to destroy ACA from within

With the spectacular failure of the recent GOP healthcare bill which did not even reach the House for a vote, President Trump has warned that he will let the Affordable Care Act (ACA) implode on itself and then attempt to blame the Democrats for its failure. This is quite possible now that Trump controls Health and Human Services (HHS) via his newly appointed head of the agency, Tom Price. Since people's lives are literally at stake when it comes to medical care, it is important that his threats are taken seriously.

When news stories begin to surface about services related to the ACA being unfunded or purposely mismanaged, it is we, the people, who will need to make sure that these not-so-sexy news stories are not hidden or under-reported by the media, mainstream or otherwise. Petitions must be created and organized political actions must be taken to pressure local congresspersons and senators to not ignore Trump's agenda to destroy the ACA from within for political gain.

It is clear that constituents confronting lawmakers via phone calls, emails and at town hall meetings had an impact on lawmakers and their stances on the recently failed GOP bill. There's no reason to doubt that the same strategies would also be effective in helping to prevent the sabotage of the ACA by the Trump administration. However, because it is not known exactly what the Trump administration will do, activists need to be vigilant in order to respond in a timely manner.