Sunday, July 8, 2018

Five ways the Trump agenda hurts the American consumer

Donald Trump is a threat to both the American people and American democracy. Consequently, it is no surprise that, by extension, Trump is also a huge threat to the regular American consumer. That is because his agenda for America is nothing more than his agenda for himself and Americans are going to pay.

Trump Tax Scam

Trump’s GOP congressional lackeys banded together in December last year to impose his endorsed tax plan – with “plan” used in the very loosest sense of the word.

Contrary to Trump’s pie-in-the-sky assertions that the majority of Americans will be better off as a result, the very same guy that managed to bankrupt a casino, has now overseen a tax cut that actually raises taxes for over 80 million Americans while simultaneously lowering taxes for the top 1% of richest Americans.

Unless you’re a billionaire, possibly with a solid gold toilet, this isn’t really the stuff that regular American consumer spending sprees are made of.

Pulling out of the Iran Nuclear Deal

The US withdrawing from the “Iran Nuclear Deal” has, unsurprisingly, spooked the oil markets. 
The Middle East, the world’s leading oil producing zone, needs more stability, not less, to ensure oil production costs remain in check. Of course, the stable genius that is Trump has now added tension to that geopolitical hotbed and consequently oil prices are on the rise. 
Trips to the gas station are an increasingly painful experience for American drivers and small businesses. Maybe the MAGA-crowd likes paying more at the pump to see Trump at one of his cow-shed rallies? Must be a MAGA thing.

Trump and Tariffs

Trump is gunning for a trade war. With his usual double whammy of both wanting to grab the headlines and show how much of a “tough guy” he is (oh how his father should have hugged him more as a child), Trump has implemented tariffs with trading friends and foes alike.

By imposing tariffs on imported steel and aluminum, Trump’s recklessness is going to drive up the cost of things like cars, trucks and canned goods for the American consumer.

Mick Mulvaney at the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB)

Mulvaney is to consumer protection as foxes are to hen houses. So Trump, naturally, made him acting Director of the CFPB in 2017.

In accordance with Trump’s obsession of repealing anything Obama-esque, Mulvaney is perfectly aligned with Trump’s slash and burn approach to regulation.

Mulvaney has a long history of acrimony towards the CFPB – an organization set up in the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis to ensure that consumers had better protection from marauding financial institutions and their questionable business practices.

Prior to taking up the CFPB reins, Mulvaney made numerous references about its abolition. As acting Director, he has suspended CFPB recruitment and cancelled investigations, both pending and present, into suspected malfeasance by any number of financial institutions. The end result? The American consumer is at increased risk courtesy of a Trump endorsed henchman.

Net Neutrality No More

Net neutrality was repealed in June this year by the Republican leaning, Trump endorsed Federal Communications Commission. Net neutrality ensured that internet-service providers (ISP) treated all online internet data fairly and provided a level playing field to ensure that ISPs could not levy fees or slow down services for particular online content and websites.

That is no more with the repeal. The bigger ISPs now have the potential to introduce things like “fast-lane” internet services – where if you pay more, you get a better service. Kind of like cable TV, if you are prepared to pay more, you get better service and greater access to internet services – such as those you had previously taken for granted before.

Less internet choice beckons. The only good thing from that? 
Maybe you’ll get to see less of Trump’s puerile, offensive Tweets.