Saturday, April 18, 2020

Six ways Trump botched response to coronavirus

As the current coronavirus pandemic began to take the world by storm and head towards the U.S. there was still time for the Trump administration to act to prevent significant suffering and death. Unfortunately, not only did Trump fail to act he actively downplayed the seriousness of the pandemic for his own political gain. On the other hand, it was not just his selfishness that caused him to fail to act, it was also his sheer incompetence which has been characteristic of Trump’s entire time in the White House. 

Regardless of the reasons, the failure to respond has caused significant unnecessary suffering and death. Approximately 90 percent of deaths from the first wave of the epidemic could have been prevented if Trump had put social distancing policies into effect two weeks earlier than he actually did, according to a recent study from Britta and Nicolas Jewell of Imperial College London and London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. Acting just a week earlier would have saved 60 percent of deaths.

The following are six ways which the Trump administration botched the coronavirus response, resulting needlessly in increased suffering, sickness and death:

Trump fired CDC expert assigned to detecting pandemic outbreaks from China

Although Trump continues to assert that there was no way he could have seen the pandemic coming early enough, he foolishly took actions that prevented the administration from being able to foresee the beginning of the health crisis starting in China. Trump eliminated an essential American public position in China which was designed to detect potential disease outbreaks. The disease expert, Dr. Linda Quick, left her position in July after being embedded in the Chinese government’s disease control agency. If Dr. Quick had continued her assignment in China, which was funded by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC), world leaders would have definitely been able to act sooner, according to Bao-Ping Zhu who had served in the same CDC role between 2007 and 2011.

Trump dismantled NSC pandemic response team at the exact wrong time

In another example of poor foresight and incompetence Trump dismantled the National Security Council (NSC) department designed to deal with biodefense and global health security. An official from the Obama administration who served as the senior director of the NSC department Trump had eliminated, strongly criticized Trump’s decision to give the department the axe. The Obama official claimed Trump’s decision resulted in the administration losing valuable time which could have been utilized to more adequately respond to the crisis. 

Denying seriousness of coronavirus resulted in people dying needlessly

Even when Trump did mention the oncoming health crisis he continuously downplayed the severity of the situation. He even attempted to characterize the concern over the oncoming health crisis as a “hoax” created by his political opponents. Trump used this point to rally his supporters at his live campaign events, spreading misinformation which undoubtedly caused some people to not take necessary precautions to protect themselves from infection, resulting in more sickness and death.

Many media outlets and organizations have criticized Trump’s reckless misinformation campaign for political gain. The Washington Post published a video which detailed 34 times Trump had downplayed the seriousness of coronavirus. Also, Priorities USA and The Recount produced their own videos on Trump’s disinformation.

Europe travel ban caused mass chaos, endangered travelers

When Trump finally did start to take the health crisis seriously one of his first actions actually made the situation worse. Trump continued to display his profound incompetence during the rollout of his travel ban on Europe as a reaction to the spreading of the pandemic. In his communication via live video from the White House, Trump completely botched the facts of the ban, resulting in disastrous consequences. 

Trump announced a ban on incoming travel from European countries saying from the Oval Office, “We will be suspending all travel from Europe to the United States for the next 30 days.” The President continued saying, “These prohibitions will not only apply to the tremendous amount of trade and cargo, but various other things as we get approval. Anything coming from Europe to the United States is what we are discussing.”

Unfortunately, Trump was completely unprepared as usual, and had misunderstood his own administration’s policy. He was later required to correct the factual errors of his live address. Apparently, not all travelers were banned from entry into the U.S., American citizens were still allowed entry. However, the chaos from Trump’s misinformation was already unleashed with hoards of American travelers crowding into the airports fearing they will not be able to return back home to the U.S. 

This resulted in putting Americans in situations that were unsafe for their health with travelers unable to implement social distancing to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Also, airports were ill-prepared for the sudden and unexpected onslaught of traffic. Therefore, travelers with symptoms were not properly separated and workers were not equipped with protective gear.

Promotion of hydroxychloroquine unhelpful, deadly and fueled by self-interest

In yet another instance of consequential spreading of misinformation, Trump has taken to publicly promoting the drug hydroxychloroquine as an effective treatment for COVID-19 despite no scientific evidence proving its effectiveness. He even said he may take the drug himself and has suggested that others should do so as well. Unfortunately, this has resulted in people self-medicating with hydroxychloroquine resulting in many of these individuals dying. However, it turns out that this particular instance of spreading misinformation was not just the usual incompetence which has defined Trump’s tenure in the White House. Trump actually has a financial interest in a hydroxychloroquine manufacturer. Essentially, Trump was putting his own self-interest over the health and safety of everyday Americans.

Trump resisting use of Defense Production Act put frontliners and patients in danger unnecessarily

In the midst of the pandemic the Trump administration failed to prepare the American medical system for the serious supply shortages of medical supplies essential to protect frontline medical workers fighting the spread of coronavirus as well as items critical to treating patients infected with COVID-19. One of the ways Trump could have immediately alleviated this supply shortage is through use of the Defense Production Act which empowers the President to command private corporations to modify their supply chains to focus on providing, at a reasonable price, items needed during an emergency, such as face masks and ventilators. 

Despite pleading from state governors across the nation, Trump was resistant to using these broad powers, unnecessarily endangering frontline medical workers and patients. It turns out the reasoning behind Trump’s resistance is that he wanted to ensure corporations are able to make massive profits from the pandemic. Trump expresses this when he says in a press briefing, "If I don't have to use - specifically we have the act to use in case we need it, but we have so many things being made by so many, they have just stepped up... like Hanes - I brought that up as an example, General Motors... They're going to go on the open market. We want them on the open market from the standpoint of pricing." Essentially, Trump is admitting he wants the corporations to be able to price gouge as much as the "free market" will allow. In other words, once again, Trump put the profits of Trump's political supporters, corporations, over the health and safety of the American people.

Do not fall for the gaslighting

As the fallout from the incompetence and selfishness of the Trump administration’s response to the pandemic become clearer, Trump will undoubtedly attempt to distract and place blame on anybody other than himself. It is important for voters to remember the facts of how Trump intentionally downplayed the seriousness of the health crisis while also purposely misinforming the public for his own political and financial self-interests. When casting a ballot in November voters should remember that the administration’s poor response to the pandemic was fueled by what has defined the entire Trump tenure in the White House: extreme incompetence and obscene self-dealing.

Sunday, March 24, 2019

Trump Venezuela policy undemocratic, illegal and immoral

Authoritarian President Donald Trump is widely known to have open disdain for democracy while also completely lacking any type of moral compass. Unfortunately, Trump is true to form in his policy on Venezuela in that it is undemocratic, illegal and immoral. The Trump administration’s backing of a coup in Venezuela is an attack on the Latin American country’s constitution and also a violation of international law. Additionally, the Trump Administration’s sanctions are causing widespread suffering for everyday Venezuelans.

Juan Guiadó’s undemocratic power grab

Trump is backing opposition leader Juan Guiadó’s self-appointment as Venezuela’s interim President, a blatant violation of Venezuela’s constitution. Guiado’s claim to legitimacy is based upon an absurd interpretation of Article 233 of Venezuela’s constitution. Article 233 states that the President of the National Assembly shall become the interim President if the democratically elected President abandons his or her office. Guiadó, who is President of the National Assembly of Venezuela, claims that since he himself believes the democratic election of President Nicolás Maduro was somehow fraudulent he now has the legal authority to claim the position of interim President.

Of course Guiadó’s claim is completely ridiculous given that he unilaterally determined he had the authority to decide that Maduro’s election was fraudulent without any official determination of any type of Venezuelan governing body or the United Nations (U.N.). Guiadó could have gained the backing of the U.N. when Maduro requested to have U.N. election observers verify there was no electoral fraud in the election of 2018. Instead, Guiadó requested that the U.N. not send observers because he knew observers would not find election fraud.

Trump proactively plots illegal coup

Despite the obviously dubious nature of Guiadó’s reasoning for appointing himself interim President of Venezuela, the Trump Administration accepts Guiadó’s claim to power as legitimate. However, Trump is not just simply standing by and passively observing, but is proactively assisting in Guiadó’s illegal coup attempt. In fact, beginning in Fall 2017 the Trump Administration started meeting secretly with Venezuelan military officers who were actively plotting to overthrow the Maduro government. Around this same time in August 2017, the Trump Administration levied sanctions on Venezuela, cutting the country off from most of its ability to borrow money it needs to govern and maintain basic needs. 
Then, leading up to Guiadó’s announcement of his self-appointment as interim President, the Trump Administration had been meeting with Guiadó, other opposition leaders and allies for several weeks as they plotted how to overtake the democratically elected Maduro government. This culminated in U.S. Vice President Mike Pence pledging to support Guiadó in his coup attempt. Then shortly after the announcement in January 2019, Trump levied additional sanctions on Venezuela in February 2019. The sanctions are aimed at preventing Venezuela from exporting oil, the country’s main export.

Trump’s sanctions are further crippling Venezuela’s economy while it faces food shortages, severe power outages and extreme hyperinflation. It is clear that Trump is purposely creating social unrest via economic sanctions as part of a plot to provoke the Venezuelan people to rebel against the Maduro administration and eventually force Maduro to step down.

U.S.-backed coup violates international law

Not only is Trump’s coup attempt a violation of the Venezuelan Constitution, it is also breaking international law. Trump has also threatened to use military force in order to oust Maduro. This is a clear violation of the the U.N. Charter, of which the US is a signatory. Article 2, Section 4 of the Charter states, “All Members shall refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state, or in any other manner inconsistent with the Purposes of the United Nations.” In other words, just merely threatening the use of force by a nation to oust a legitimate government of another nation is illegal. Clearly, this is exactly what the Trump Administration is doing.

Immoral Trump sanctions create massive human suffering

Aside from being illegal in numerous ways, Trump’s sanctions on Venezuela are exacerbating an already-existent catastrophic humanitarian crisis. Venezuela is currently experiencing food shortages and constant power outages due to various factors, including mismanagement by the Maduro government and macroeconomic factors related to the oil markets. However, U.S. sanctions are only worsening the suffering of the Venezuelan people in an attempt to gain access to Venezuela’s rich oil resources on the behalf of American corporate interests.

The Trump Administration, Guiadó, opposition leaders and imperialist allies would argue that Maduro is at fault for not allowing “humanitarian aid” to enter the country to help alleviate the food shortage crisis which U.S. sanctions are purposely exacerbating. However, many critics, including the Red Cross and the U.N. are opposed to the U.S. and Guiadó using the excuse of sending humanitarian aid as a political and military tool to further the coup agenda. Critics believe that the food aid is merely an excuse for opposition and imperialist forces to enter the country in order to gain strategic military advantages to overthrow the democratically elected government by force. Of course, this not an irrational fear, considering that American imperialist actions have historically wreaked havoc and serious suffering onto the people of various Latin American countries for decades.

Meanwhile, if the Trump Administration and Guiadó were actually serious about alleviating human suffering in Venezuela they would not ratchet up sanctions and embargo efforts. In fact a U.N. Special Rapporteur has publicly warned the recent Trump sanctions will cause “starvation and medical shortages” while urging all nations to avoid levying sanctions on other countries “unless approved by the United Nations Security Council, as required by the U.N. Charter.” Politicians in America and elsewhere who claim to support democratic ideals should openly condemn the Trump coup agenda in Venezuela as well as oppose Guiadó’s fraudulent claim to the Venezuelan presidency.

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

U.S. foreign policy caused Central American refugee issue, Trump agenda worsens crisis

The caravan of refugees from Central America has dominated the headlines of newspapers and the discussion among talking heads on television as of late. Most have been focused on the physical brutality of military personnel, dispatched by President Donald Trump to the border, firing canisters of tear gas and rubber bullets into the caravan of mostly women and children and some men who were armed with nothing but rocks. However, understanding the root causes of the current crisis requires examining the decades of American interventionist policies in Central America on behalf of dictatorial, oppressive, human-rights abusing regimes. Unfortunately, Trump's response to the refugee crisis reveals his ignorance and cruelty and will only worsen the crisis, causing even more refugees to travel in future caravans to the U.S. searching for hope and dignity which Americans so easily take for granted.


In 1954, the U.S. assisted in implementing a coup against a democratically-elected government which supported land reform in order to benefit the mostly indigenous working class. This agenda of the legitimate Guatemalan government was a problem for various American economic and political interests, including the US-based United Fruit Company which profited off exploiting impoverished workers and bribing government officials for preferential treatment in all kinds of aspects. As a part of the illegal coup, CIA installed a military junta which the U.S. supported for decades despite ample evidence of human rights abuses.

El Salvador

During the 1980s the U.S.-backed authoritarian alliance of nations, elitist oligarchs and military generals had ruled El Salvador for decades, creating extreme poverty, leaving the population desperate for escape. The U.S. backed the oppressive right-wing Salvadoran regime against a leftist uprising. Over 75,000 Salvadorans died as a result of the civil war, most of them perishing at the hands of the military and its notorious death squads. Today, amidst soul-crushing poverty, inequality and a lack of opportunity, forensic experts are still unearthing corpses of women, children and elderly who were mercilessly murdered by the Salvadoran army on behalf of the irrational American right-wing battle against communism.


In Honduras, during the 1980s, the U.S. government used the country as a pawn in its war against the imaginary threat of communism. The U.S.-backed Contras used Honduras as a staging ground to fight in the Nicaraguan civil war. The Contras, a far-right guerrilla group, was backed by the Reagan administration, despite the CIA having already been aware of the group's atrocious human rights abuses.

Power vacuum leads to organized crime and extreme violence

In the wake of U.S. interventionism in Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras, otherwise known as the Northern Triangle, organized criminal enterprises were allowed to thrive. Now, the Northern Triangle has the highest rates of female homicide in the world. Rape is rampant and children are taken from parents to be trafficked on behalf of criminal organizations. Innocent individuals and families face extortion and threats of death on a daily basis at the hands of the murderous criminal groups which were left empowered as a result of misguided American meddling in Central America. Nowadays, it is uncommon for even young children to have never witnessed a murder in the Northern Triangle. It is no wonder large numbers of refugees travel in caravans northward every year searching for a better life for their families.

Trump immigration policy worsens refugee crisis

Unfortunately, not only is Trump's policy agenda inhumane and cruel, it will also make the refugee crisis worst, causing even more caravans of asylum seekers in the future. In May 2018, the Trump administration announced it was canceling the protected status of approximately 300,000 immigrants, including 86,000 Hondurans who had been living and working in the United States for decades in order to send money back to their families in their home country. Remittances back home from immigrants working in the U.S. play a significant role in the economic development in Central American countries. In fact, remittances make up 18 percent of the Gross Domestic Product for Honduras and 17 percent for El Salvador. Therefore, the extreme poverty in Central America will worsen, inspiring even more people to make the dangerous trek northward in the next caravan.

Trump stance on guns increases violence in Central America

Along with Trump's immigration policy, his and the Republican Party's policy regarding gun control is also worsening the refugee crisis by creating more gun violence in Central America. Right-wing opposition to gun control, at the behest of the NRA, has made guns more plentiful, resulting in thousands of illicit firearms being smuggled into Mexico every day. Most of these guns end up in the possession of Mexican drug cartels. The guns then eventually end up in the hands of Central American criminal organizations who use the American-made guns to terrorize innocent people in the name of expanding their highly profitable drug empires via smuggling cocaine back into the U.S.

Those in America who have recently been echoing Trump's racist, fear-mongering rhetoric in response to the arrival of the most recent refugee caravan from Central America, should ask themselves what they would do if the roles were switched. What if their loved ones and children risked being murdered, raped and kidnapped on a daily basis with practically no opportunity to improve their quality of life? They would probably join a caravan to escape in search of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Saturday, November 10, 2018

Remaining Trump supporters lost cause, base turnout essential for 2020

In the aftermath of the 2018 midterm elections, one thing became clear. At this point there is no such thing as a “moderate” or “sane” Republican. Perhaps there were some, suffering under the oppressive weight of capitalism, during the 2016 election cycle who were duped by the fake ring-wing populism espoused by Donald Trump. However, after two years of corporate giveaways at the cost of everyday people, unapologetic white nationalist pandering, brazen misogyny and unhinged attacks on the LGBTQ community, anybody who is still supportive of Trump and the complicit Republican Party are bigoted scum bags or conspiracy-brained, alt-right morons who obsess over decoding QAnon messages. These people cannot be saved within a two-year election cycle. The only way the left will win in the upcoming 2020 election is through turnout of the base via grassroots organizing.

Trump and GOP lean hard into culture war racism

During the recent midterm election Trump and the Republican Party summoned the most vile aspects of American society in order to cling to power. Trump, despite a strong American economy, campaigned on mostly fear-mongering about the asylum-seeking caravan of impoverished families traveling on foot. He described this group of brown-pigmented people as an “invasion” and even claimed there were “terrorists” within their midst, a claim he made without even the slightest shred of evidence. The only purpose this served was to galvanize the right-wing base through racial resentment and fear politics. Also, it was not just Trump who delved head first into the culture war messaging, many racist Republican candidates followed suit, exposing the GOP for what it has always been about at its ideological core: unbridled bigotry and hatred.

The left must utilize electoral infrastructure created during midterms

Given that remaining Trump supporters cannot be flipped at this point, the only thing left to do is turnout the moderate, liberal and progressive base through newly created electoral infrastructure. The current social upheaval caused by the Trump election has galvanized an unprecedented political awareness and broad-based activism. This has resulted in record numbers of people becoming involved in political campaigns on the left via organizing, canvassing, phone banking, text banking and other various activities. The culmination of this is electoral infrastructure which must be taken advantage of by Democrats and those on the political left during the 2020 election cycle.

Even for those elections which Democrats lost during the midterms, the newly formed electoral infrastructure, such as fully-trained and experienced campaign organizers, funding mechanisms and a base of now-experienced campaign volunteers, can provide the push for Democrats and those on the left to win those same seats in the next election cycle. One example of this is Georgia's 6th congressional district. This historically safe Republican seat experienced an unprecedented Democratic challenge in a special election in 2017, fueled by outrage against Trump. Despite the Democratic candidate narrowly losing in the special election, the infrastructure and base enthusiasm created enabled the Democrats to capture the seat in the recent 2018 midterms.

Florida will be crucial in 2020, galvanizing base essential

Although it is important Democrats fight hard for all 50 states, Florida will be particularly important for achieving success at the ballot box. Florida, which has historically played a pivotal role in deciding presidential elections, is now legitimately a possible swing state with the closeness of the recent governor's race between Andrew Gillum and Ron DeSantis which has now been forced into a recount. Also, with the voting rights of those with felony convictions reinstated in Florida, the potential Democratic base has been greatly increased. Therefore, Florida organizers must begin outreach to this newly enfranchised population and register as many of them as possible to vote. However, this also means candidates on the left must present policy proposals which help empower this population of voters.

In closing, there is no time to tune out, the political left must not miss a beat and immediately begin strategizing campaigns on a grassroots level in all areas of the country. There were still millions of eligible left-leaning voters who did not go to the polls. These are the people grassroots activists must turn out in order to defeat Trump and the Republicans in 2020.

Sunday, October 7, 2018

Post-Kavanaugh: All is not lost, struggle against patriarchy must continue immediately

In the wake of the recent vote by the Senate to confirm Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court many women and supporters of women's rights have been emotionally devastated and understandably angry. With President Donald Trump now gaining two conservative appointments to the Supreme Court women's rights are in serious jeopardy. It is widely believed that with a conservative majority the precedent of Roe v. Wade will be overturned, stripping the right of women to control their own bodies and denying them access to abortion. However, believe it or not, all is not lost and it is imperative that women and allies pick themselves up and continue the struggle against patriarchy immediately.

More damage needs to be mitigated

In the short-term the midterm elections are heating up and it is imperative that women and all those who support women's rights make it to the polls to politically punish Republicans for their vote on Kavanaugh. On the other hand, revenge is not the only reason it is important to vote in November. Overturning Roe v. Wade will not happen overnight. The conservatives will still have to take their anti-choice lawsuits through the court system and work their way to the Supreme Court.

In the meantime the GOP will try to outlaw abortion and infringe on the rights of women on the state and local level. It is up to women, liberals, progressives and all those who support women's rights to stop them. At least four states have already passed laws through their state legislatures which would automatically make abortion illegal if Roe v. Wade is overturned. Undoubtedly, the confirmation of Kavanaugh will encourage other conservatives in state legislatures to attempt to follow suit. Therefore, it is imperative that Democrats and those on the left side of the political spectrum control as many state legislative seats and governorships as possible. The only way to do this is at the ballot box in November.

Culture can change politics

Although electoral politics is essential to mitigate the oncoming damage to women's rights in the long-term culture needs to become a larger part of the left's theory of change. Cultural changes are what makes political change possible. Before Brown v. Board of Education, Jackie Robinson made his Major League Baseball debut seven years prior. Ellen Degeneres came out as homosexual on her television sitcom eight years before the first favorable court ruling addressing same-sex marriage. Culture is the seed which must be planted before progressive politics can bear fruit. Now in the midst of the Me Too Movement, believe it or not, the seed has been planted and despite the set back we have yet to bear the fruit.

This means we must continue the struggle on the cultural front. Artists, writers, musicians, creatives and propagators of culture must continue to tell the stories of women's struggles and triumphs in the face of patriarchy. Stories should be created and visions should be shown that portray women of strength, independence, intellect and conscience. Continue telling stories reflecting on how economic inequality is intertwined with women's rights and ultimately human rights. Convey the emotions of women facing the economic reality of an unexpected pregnancy while in soul-crushing poverty with the father not in the picture. Tell the story of the woman who had been impregnated by her rapist. Make her humanity undeniable to even the most hardened of conservatives, including those sitting on the Supreme Court right now.

Humans can change

This may understandably sound naive to many, but believe it or not, likely attempted rapist, and now Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh is also human. This means he and any other humans sitting on the U.S. Supreme Court are capable of change. Even hardcore neoconservative Dick Cheney had a change of heart regarding same-sex marriage when he was faced with the reality of how it affected his daughter's sense of humanity.

Never give up

Like Cheney and the rest of humanity, none of the justices on the Supreme Court are completely disconnected from society and culture. They all surf the Internet and read the news and watch television just like the rest of us. They too will be subject to the cultural messaging of both the right and the left. But, if the left wins the culture war it is possible when it comes time for Kavanaugh and the other conservative justices to pull the trigger, they may ultimately find room in their hearts to maintain the precedent set by Roe v. Wade.

Sunday, July 8, 2018

Five ways the Trump agenda hurts the American consumer

Donald Trump is a threat to both the American people and American democracy. Consequently, it is no surprise that, by extension, Trump is also a huge threat to the regular American consumer. That is because his agenda for America is nothing more than his agenda for himself and Americans are going to pay.

Trump Tax Scam

Trump’s GOP congressional lackeys banded together in December last year to impose his endorsed tax plan – with “plan” used in the very loosest sense of the word.

Contrary to Trump’s pie-in-the-sky assertions that the majority of Americans will be better off as a result, the very same guy that managed to bankrupt a casino, has now overseen a tax cut that actually raises taxes for over 80 million Americans while simultaneously lowering taxes for the top 1% of richest Americans.

Unless you’re a billionaire, possibly with a solid gold toilet, this isn’t really the stuff that regular American consumer spending sprees are made of.

Pulling out of the Iran Nuclear Deal

The US withdrawing from the “Iran Nuclear Deal” has, unsurprisingly, spooked the oil markets. 
The Middle East, the world’s leading oil producing zone, needs more stability, not less, to ensure oil production costs remain in check. Of course, the stable genius that is Trump has now added tension to that geopolitical hotbed and consequently oil prices are on the rise. 
Trips to the gas station are an increasingly painful experience for American drivers and small businesses. Maybe the MAGA-crowd likes paying more at the pump to see Trump at one of his cow-shed rallies? Must be a MAGA thing.

Trump and Tariffs

Trump is gunning for a trade war. With his usual double whammy of both wanting to grab the headlines and show how much of a “tough guy” he is (oh how his father should have hugged him more as a child), Trump has implemented tariffs with trading friends and foes alike.

By imposing tariffs on imported steel and aluminum, Trump’s recklessness is going to drive up the cost of things like cars, trucks and canned goods for the American consumer.

Mick Mulvaney at the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB)

Mulvaney is to consumer protection as foxes are to hen houses. So Trump, naturally, made him acting Director of the CFPB in 2017.

In accordance with Trump’s obsession of repealing anything Obama-esque, Mulvaney is perfectly aligned with Trump’s slash and burn approach to regulation.

Mulvaney has a long history of acrimony towards the CFPB – an organization set up in the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis to ensure that consumers had better protection from marauding financial institutions and their questionable business practices.

Prior to taking up the CFPB reins, Mulvaney made numerous references about its abolition. As acting Director, he has suspended CFPB recruitment and cancelled investigations, both pending and present, into suspected malfeasance by any number of financial institutions. The end result? The American consumer is at increased risk courtesy of a Trump endorsed henchman.

Net Neutrality No More

Net neutrality was repealed in June this year by the Republican leaning, Trump endorsed Federal Communications Commission. Net neutrality ensured that internet-service providers (ISP) treated all online internet data fairly and provided a level playing field to ensure that ISPs could not levy fees or slow down services for particular online content and websites.

That is no more with the repeal. The bigger ISPs now have the potential to introduce things like “fast-lane” internet services – where if you pay more, you get a better service. Kind of like cable TV, if you are prepared to pay more, you get better service and greater access to internet services – such as those you had previously taken for granted before.

Less internet choice beckons. The only good thing from that? 
Maybe you’ll get to see less of Trump’s puerile, offensive Tweets.

Sunday, March 18, 2018

Why Thomas Paine would shoot Donald Trump if he were alive today (Part 3 of 3)

Written by Igor Goldkind

Continued from Part 2 of 3

Paine conceived of autonomous democratic nation-states forming alliances of mutual aid. Mikhail Gorbachev has said that we ought to have a balancing of interests, not a balancing of power on the global stage. Internationalization, with the primacy of nation-state alliances, is a major alternative to the trends of corporate economic globalization. In the myth of a "flat" world of economic globalization, where the world is made safe and frictionless for capital expansion, citizens and nations did not vote for the corporate-influenced governmental-military-industrial-media alliances and trade agreements which establish "the rules of the game," subtly conditioning the thinking of the masses. 

These are not ancient words. These are the principles America was founded on and without which we would have early on taken the road to the same form of despotism and autocracy that Donald Trump is trying to lead us into. Trump only wants power. Power to control what is true and what is not. Power to determine the fates and existence of as many people as he can. This is why he loves the idea of a wall, the decoration of undocumented long-term residents and the border checks at airports that targets people of the Muslim faith, as well as people that white people think look like Muslims!

In his own way, from his visionary perspective, Thomas Paine was what the right-wing calls a “globalist” or even more bizarrely a “statist.” Of course the founding fathers were statists, they constructed the blueprint for the United STATES of America.

Bernie Sanders was right. Trump isn't conservative or moderate, much less liberal; he's an autocrat who has no respect for the Constitution and has failed as commander-in-chief to protect this country from a foreign antagonist.

Back to the curb where Paine is holding Trump hostage to the imperatives of history and the gentle squeezing of Thomas’s trigger finger, because Donald Trump is a traitor to his state. He has been under the influence of a foreign antagonist, Vladimir Putin, since at least 2014, shortly after he first announced his attempts at the presidency. He needed money to run a campaign for President and he didn’t have any.  No bank would loan him money because Trump always welched on his debts. So he had to turn to Deutsche Bank, the same bank that Putin and his oligarchy use to make money disappear and reappear wherever is most expedient. In this case it was the presidential campaign of Donald J. Trump. This will all become very shortly apparent as soon as the next wave of indictments are issued by the DOJ. Trump is in a jam that he can’t get out of. Mueller’s investigation on behalf of the federal Department of Justice is very far from being a witch hunt. Read the indictments, all the evidence is published there, enough to hold up in federal court. Mueller, if you recall, is a conservative Republican of impeccable integrity.

By the way, I don't detest conservatives; some are my best friends. But Trump isn't really a conservative, he's a conman playing the GOP for whatever he can get away with. I don't hate conservatives, I hate liars who shamelessly lie every day they open their mouths. I hate incompetents who can't even keep one national security advisor on board during his first year and whose family and campaign advisors were meeting with Russian intelligence during the 2016 campaign.

At this point in the event, Donald Trump moves his head slightly. Thomas steadies his hand. Testing Thomas, Trump slowly turns his head enough to glimpse Thomas’s steely stare. As unflinching as Mueller’s investigation. Once again Trump pleads, begs for his life. “What do you want Mr. Paine?  I’ve got money tons of money. What about women? I can get you the most beautiful models in the world. What about an audience with the Queen of England, she’s easy.” Thomas pauses and for the first time speaks to Donald J. Trump:

“I want my country back. I want the nation myself and my brothers built out of reason, compassion and equality back. I want what this nation is meant to be, not what you have defiled it as.”

Trump knows his goose is cooked. He can’t repair the damage he’s caused. It will take others, long after he’s gone to rebuild our country. Others who are younger than a 70-year-old patriarch. Others who have grown accustomed to being one nation in a physically interconnected  world. Others who aspire to rise above the fumes of spiritual superstition to the level of what Paine called “our living awareness of the Infinite Presence” by means of reason, science, the arts, the cooperative nature of our fellow hairless apes.  The high school students who have stood up and proclaimed “enough is enough.” The women who no longer cover their mouths and stifle their words when being subject to interpersonal tyranny. These are the children of Thomas Paine. These are the people he fought for and wrote for.

As a species we survived and dominated this planet by virtue of our complex means of cooperation, not competition. That complex is what we refer to as a society and those who reject the notion are, well, just antisocial.

Donald Trump speaks to Thomas Paine one last time.

“Please Thomas, I promise to be better, I promise to live up to your virtues, I swear I’m a changed man.  Look in your heart Thomas, look in your heart, Please!….”

Thomas speaks his last four words:

“I have, you traitor,” and pulls the trigger.

Check out more writing from the author here: