Saturday, November 10, 2018

Remaining Trump supporters lost cause, base turnout essential for 2020

In the aftermath of the 2018 midterm elections, one thing became clear. At this point there is no such thing as a “moderate” or “sane” Republican. Perhaps there were some, suffering under the oppressive weight of capitalism, during the 2016 election cycle who were duped by the fake ring-wing populism espoused by Donald Trump. However, after two years of corporate giveaways at the cost of everyday people, unapologetic white nationalist pandering, brazen misogyny and unhinged attacks on the LGBTQ community, anybody who is still supportive of Trump and the complicit Republican Party are bigoted scum bags or conspiracy-brained, alt-right morons who obsess over decoding QAnon messages. These people cannot be saved within a two-year election cycle. The only way the left will win in the upcoming 2020 election is through turnout of the base via grassroots organizing.

Trump and GOP lean hard into culture war racism

During the recent midterm election Trump and the Republican Party summoned the most vile aspects of American society in order to cling to power. Trump, despite a strong American economy, campaigned on mostly fear-mongering about the asylum-seeking caravan of impoverished families traveling on foot. He described this group of brown-pigmented people as an “invasion” and even claimed there were “terrorists” within their midst, a claim he made without even the slightest shred of evidence. The only purpose this served was to galvanize the right-wing base through racial resentment and fear politics. Also, it was not just Trump who delved head first into the culture war messaging, many racist Republican candidates followed suit, exposing the GOP for what it has always been about at its ideological core: unbridled bigotry and hatred.

The left must utilize electoral infrastructure created during midterms

Given that remaining Trump supporters cannot be flipped at this point, the only thing left to do is turnout the moderate, liberal and progressive base through newly created electoral infrastructure. The current social upheaval caused by the Trump election has galvanized an unprecedented political awareness and broad-based activism. This has resulted in record numbers of people becoming involved in political campaigns on the left via organizing, canvassing, phone banking, text banking and other various activities. The culmination of this is electoral infrastructure which must be taken advantage of by Democrats and those on the political left during the 2020 election cycle.

Even for those elections which Democrats lost during the midterms, the newly formed electoral infrastructure, such as fully-trained and experienced campaign organizers, funding mechanisms and a base of now-experienced campaign volunteers, can provide the push for Democrats and those on the left to win those same seats in the next election cycle. One example of this is Georgia's 6th congressional district. This historically safe Republican seat experienced an unprecedented Democratic challenge in a special election in 2017, fueled by outrage against Trump. Despite the Democratic candidate narrowly losing in the special election, the infrastructure and base enthusiasm created enabled the Democrats to capture the seat in the recent 2018 midterms.

Florida will be crucial in 2020, galvanizing base essential

Although it is important Democrats fight hard for all 50 states, Florida will be particularly important for achieving success at the ballot box. Florida, which has historically played a pivotal role in deciding presidential elections, is now legitimately a possible swing state with the closeness of the recent governor's race between Andrew Gillum and Ron DeSantis which has now been forced into a recount. Also, with the voting rights of those with felony convictions reinstated in Florida, the potential Democratic base has been greatly increased. Therefore, Florida organizers must begin outreach to this newly enfranchised population and register as many of them as possible to vote. However, this also means candidates on the left must present policy proposals which help empower this population of voters.

In closing, there is no time to tune out, the political left must not miss a beat and immediately begin strategizing campaigns on a grassroots level in all areas of the country. There were still millions of eligible left-leaning voters who did not go to the polls. These are the people grassroots activists must turn out in order to defeat Trump and the Republicans in 2020.

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