Tuesday, November 27, 2018

U.S. foreign policy caused Central American refugee issue, Trump agenda worsens crisis

The caravan of refugees from Central America has dominated the headlines of newspapers and the discussion among talking heads on television as of late. Most have been focused on the physical brutality of military personnel, dispatched by President Donald Trump to the border, firing canisters of tear gas and rubber bullets into the caravan of mostly women and children and some men who were armed with nothing but rocks. However, understanding the root causes of the current crisis requires examining the decades of American interventionist policies in Central America on behalf of dictatorial, oppressive, human-rights abusing regimes. Unfortunately, Trump's response to the refugee crisis reveals his ignorance and cruelty and will only worsen the crisis, causing even more refugees to travel in future caravans to the U.S. searching for hope and dignity which Americans so easily take for granted.


In 1954, the U.S. assisted in implementing a coup against a democratically-elected government which supported land reform in order to benefit the mostly indigenous working class. This agenda of the legitimate Guatemalan government was a problem for various American economic and political interests, including the US-based United Fruit Company which profited off exploiting impoverished workers and bribing government officials for preferential treatment in all kinds of aspects. As a part of the illegal coup, CIA installed a military junta which the U.S. supported for decades despite ample evidence of human rights abuses.

El Salvador

During the 1980s the U.S.-backed authoritarian alliance of nations, elitist oligarchs and military generals had ruled El Salvador for decades, creating extreme poverty, leaving the population desperate for escape. The U.S. backed the oppressive right-wing Salvadoran regime against a leftist uprising. Over 75,000 Salvadorans died as a result of the civil war, most of them perishing at the hands of the military and its notorious death squads. Today, amidst soul-crushing poverty, inequality and a lack of opportunity, forensic experts are still unearthing corpses of women, children and elderly who were mercilessly murdered by the Salvadoran army on behalf of the irrational American right-wing battle against communism.


In Honduras, during the 1980s, the U.S. government used the country as a pawn in its war against the imaginary threat of communism. The U.S.-backed Contras used Honduras as a staging ground to fight in the Nicaraguan civil war. The Contras, a far-right guerrilla group, was backed by the Reagan administration, despite the CIA having already been aware of the group's atrocious human rights abuses.

Power vacuum leads to organized crime and extreme violence

In the wake of U.S. interventionism in Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras, otherwise known as the Northern Triangle, organized criminal enterprises were allowed to thrive. Now, the Northern Triangle has the highest rates of female homicide in the world. Rape is rampant and children are taken from parents to be trafficked on behalf of criminal organizations. Innocent individuals and families face extortion and threats of death on a daily basis at the hands of the murderous criminal groups which were left empowered as a result of misguided American meddling in Central America. Nowadays, it is uncommon for even young children to have never witnessed a murder in the Northern Triangle. It is no wonder large numbers of refugees travel in caravans northward every year searching for a better life for their families.

Trump immigration policy worsens refugee crisis

Unfortunately, not only is Trump's policy agenda inhumane and cruel, it will also make the refugee crisis worst, causing even more caravans of asylum seekers in the future. In May 2018, the Trump administration announced it was canceling the protected status of approximately 300,000 immigrants, including 86,000 Hondurans who had been living and working in the United States for decades in order to send money back to their families in their home country. Remittances back home from immigrants working in the U.S. play a significant role in the economic development in Central American countries. In fact, remittances make up 18 percent of the Gross Domestic Product for Honduras and 17 percent for El Salvador. Therefore, the extreme poverty in Central America will worsen, inspiring even more people to make the dangerous trek northward in the next caravan.

Trump stance on guns increases violence in Central America

Along with Trump's immigration policy, his and the Republican Party's policy regarding gun control is also worsening the refugee crisis by creating more gun violence in Central America. Right-wing opposition to gun control, at the behest of the NRA, has made guns more plentiful, resulting in thousands of illicit firearms being smuggled into Mexico every day. Most of these guns end up in the possession of Mexican drug cartels. The guns then eventually end up in the hands of Central American criminal organizations who use the American-made guns to terrorize innocent people in the name of expanding their highly profitable drug empires via smuggling cocaine back into the U.S.

Those in America who have recently been echoing Trump's racist, fear-mongering rhetoric in response to the arrival of the most recent refugee caravan from Central America, should ask themselves what they would do if the roles were switched. What if their loved ones and children risked being murdered, raped and kidnapped on a daily basis with practically no opportunity to improve their quality of life? They would probably join a caravan to escape in search of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

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